Natural Birth Control (Hormone Free Contraception)


What if you didn't need to rely on synthetic hormones, pills and devices to stop you from getting pregnant?


You don't have to suffer the side effects of hormonal birth control. There is an alternative. It's called the Fertility Awareness Method and it is 99.4% effective at preventing unintended pregnancy when practiced correctly. This is comparable to perfect use of the pill: 99.7%, and more effective than perfect use of condoms: 95%.

What is the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM)?

The Fertility Awareness Method is a form of menstrual charting which determines ovulation based on natural body signs. It is a highly effective form of birth control or tool for pregnancy achievement. 

The Fertility Awareness Method uses natural signs (such as changes in cervical mucous) to predict that your body is about to ovulate, and an increase in basal body temperature to confirm ovulation. This makes this method a highly effective form of birth control which does not require any hormonal interference. 

How does FAM prevent pregnancy?

The Fertility Awareness Method is based upon the fact that women are only fertile (able to conceive) for around 6 days each cycle. The Fertility Awareness Method involves daily tracking of temperature and vaginal mucous secretions, as well as the optional additional sign of cervical position. This data is recorded in a chart and used to map the fertile and infertile points of your cycle. Based on this information, you can avoid vaginal intercourse for the 6 days each cycle where it is possible for you to get pregnant. This means that you can enjoy unprotected intercourse on the remaining days of your cycle without the fear of falling pregnant.

I've heard FAM isn't a reliable form of birth control?

The Fertility Awareness Method should not be confused with the rhythm method which is a highly inaccurate method of simply counting the days of the previous menstrual cycle and using this to guess the fertile days of the next window. The reason this method does not work for most women is that each month, our cycle is slightly different. Even if your cycle is "regular" it can still easily vary by a day or two based on your stress levels, diet, exercise and travel each cycle. For women with conditions like PCOS, it is even more difficult to predict when you will ovulate. This means that most women don't ovulate at the same time each month, therefore cannot rely on how their last cycle was.

FAM does not use past cycles to predict ovulation, but instead uses real-time data each cycle to track your lead up to ovulation and confirmation that you have ovulated, plus a conservative "buffer zone" around these days to ensure safety from pregnancy.

How can Nourished Natural Health Help?

Tamika is a Trained Teacher in Natural Fertility Education and can teach you how to effectively use this method to avoid or achieve pregnancy. Book an appointment today to learn more.

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About Nourished Natural Health

My name is Tamika and I run Nourished Natural Health, a natural health clinic with expertise in fertility, hormonal balance and digestion. I hold a Bachelor degree in Nutritional Medicine as well as a Bachelor of Teaching, which I use in combination to foster growth and learning. I work with clients in a partnership which empowers you to take control of your own health. I practice holistic healthcare which means I take an in depth look at all aspects of your life, not just what you put in your mouth. Your environment, stress, exercise, sleep, personal life and medical history can have just as big an influence on your health as your diet.

Read more about my story here



How are you qualified to teach Fertility Awareness Method (FAM)?

I studied under Kerry Hampton - a natural fertility specialist and owner of Wise Women Business in Melbourne. I have completed the Comprehensive Course in Natural Fertility Education. 

How many appointments will it take me to learn how to chart?

Most couples are able to learn the method relatively quickly and usually require 3 sessions. Some women with irregular cycles or conditions like PCOS may require 2-3 further sessions to master the method.

How is FAM different from rhythm method?

The Fertility Awareness Method should not be confused with the rhythm method which is a highly inaccurate method of simply counting the days of the previous menstrual cycle and using this to guess the fertile window of the next cycle. The reason this method does not work for most women is that each month, our cycle is slightly different. Even if your cycle is "regular" it can still easily vary by a day or two based on your stress levels, diet, exercise and travel each cycle. This means that most women don't ovulate at the same time each month, therefore cannot rely on how their last cycle was.

More FAQs about Nourished Natural Health 


Tamika Woods | Nutritionist


For a decade, I battled chronic acne around my chin and jawline, irregular cycles, mood swings, hair loss, painful periods, severe digestive issues and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). You name it - I’ve been there!

I was finally able to clear my skin, regulate my cycle, be free of period pain and fall pregnant naturally with my daughter in 2020. It took me 10 years and tens of thousands of dollars in tertiary education to get the answers I needed to get better. I didn’t want other women to wait as long as I did which is why I’ve dedicated my life to helping women in the same position as I was, to learn how to interpret what their body’s so desperately wants them to understand, and then develop the right roadmap to address their unique conditions.

I'm here to help you get on track!